God Is Sovereign Over Nations
Daniel 2:19-21. Beyond common history, the believer sees the uncommon history of the hand of the Lord raising and bringing down nations.
Daniel 2:19-21. Beyond common history, the believer sees the uncommon history of the hand of the Lord raising and bringing down nations.
Romans 8:15-18. The believer is “born again,” so why does the Bible say we are adopted into God’s family? In adoption, the Holy Spirit brings […]
Romans 8:14. As the Holy Spirit leads us to heaven, He leads us in personal holiness. This leadership demonstrates that we are rightly related to […]
Romans 8:12-13. The Christian is a debtor to live in holiness. It is not drudgery, but obligation that springs from love.
Romans 8:10-11. As believers struggle with temptation and suffering, we gain assurance by the work of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 8:9. The Holy Spirit dwells in the body of every believer. The result is a continuing work in us to make us more like […]
Acts 1:1-11. We can join the crowd of witnesses as we testify of our experience of Jesus Christ.
Romans 8:5-8. Romans Series. Romans classifies all people in two groups- believers and unbelievers. How can we tell the difference?
Mother’s Day sermon. 1 Samuel 1:1-18. In the midst of disappointment and persecution, Hannah poured out her soul to God in prayer.
Ephesians 5:16-18. This is the most important command for the Christian.